The Money Pig Podcast
The Money/Financial PIG Podcast brought to you by Goodwin Investment Advisory where our Mission is to lead people to Financial Peace, Independence and Generosity.
The Money Pig Podcast
Retire on Purpose!
Episode 54
The Retire by Design program aims to address retirement fears and challenges, emphasizing financial security, health care costs, inflation worries, and market volatility. It offers personalized planning with a retirement consultant. Additionally, the program focuses on non-financial issues like social isolation, loss of identity, and finding meaning in retirement.
Retire by Design participants discussed the importance of intentional pre-retirement preparation to ensure a smooth transition. They shared experiences of early retirements that lacked proper planning, leading to unexpected challenges such as feeling irrelevant or unprepared financially. To combat loneliness and enhance overall well-being, the program highlights the need for activities that bring fulfillment and purpose in retirement years.
Interested individuals can join the program by following outlined practical steps. These steps include registering for the program and participating in an eight-week workshop covering essential topics for successful retirement planning. Integration with financial advising services is crucial for aligning retirement lifestyle goals effectively with financial means.
In summary, the Retire by Design program offers a comprehensive approach to retirement planning. By addressing both financial and non-financial aspects, the program aims to help individuals overcome common retirement concerns and make a meaningful transition into this phase of life.